The MP5 Pink Elephant Art Exchange!
The event was put on by the fabulous TJ Norris with the aid of Gavin Shettler at ~Milepost 5!~
TJ Norris will be curating for MP5 Cube, a bimonthly exhibition in the MP5 lobby that kix off February 21st!

Artist Calvin Ross Carl (pictured above) will be exhibiting on the first floor for the Milepost 5 Hallways Exhibition in collaboration with Derek Franklin. The Hallways bi-monthly exhibition is curated by Sara Cella and opens up on February the 21st!

The infamous Gavin Shettler!

Here's TJ Norris with our lovely host for the nite!

Everyone got to show off which lucky piece they won! Flash it!

Richard Schemmerer showing off the piece he got to walk away with!

Michkael Baker with the next show in PDX to watch: Showcase PDX : is manning the camera*+

Graffitti and spray paint god: Hunter Armstrong*+

Hallway shots! Can't wait for our first bi-monthly exhibition to kick off! woOo

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